Wednesday, September 27, 2017

RTH Tunjuk Ajar Integritas

This park is clean and well laid out. It is a wonderful place for families to come, exercise, and play together.

Pray for strong families in Pekanbaru.

Pray for people to make time to invest in relationships with their spouses and children.

Pray for this park to be a place that is positive and strengthening to families.

Pray that criminal elements will not ruin this family spot.

These riding toys are available for rent at the park.

Pray for children to laugh, grow, play, and make friends at this park.

Pray for special days to be celebrated.

Pray for parents to have wisdom to guide their children to become mature, well adjusted adults.

The public announcement sign asks people to stop physical and sexual abuse of children.

Pray that those in abusive situations will find places of safety.

Pray for those who are abusing their spouse or children to repent and seek help.

Pray for counselors, spiritual leaders, and family members to have wisdom to provide guidance to those who need help.

This outdoor theater is a perfect place for concerts and performances.

Pray for the development of the arts in Pekanbaru.

Pray for this facility to bring the community together and develop a sense of unity and mutual commitment to one another.

Pray for city officials to have wisdom to make the most of this park to build community.

These young men were looking for work. They are not able to go directly to High School and then college without earning money first.

Pray for the development of work programs for youth wanting to gain educational opportunities.

Pray for youth to find good opportunities to work and not to fall in with criminal enterprises.

There are police posts throughout the city. One is across the street from the park.

Pray for wisdom and diligence for police officers as they go about their duties.

Pray for protection for police officers as they confront people who are breaking laws.

Pray for the rehabilitation of those who commit crimes.

Sanitation workers are unsung heroes of every city. While Pekanbaru has many challenges in this area, people, like these women, are working hard to keep the city clean.

Pray for sanitation workers in Pekanbaru.

Pray for their safety on the roads as they work.

Pray against injuries as they clean up materials that are often sharp and dirty.

One of the park signs ask that people not pick the flowers.

Pray for people to value and care for public spaces so that they stay nice for everyone's enjoyment.

Pray against people who would use spaces like parks to sell drugs.

Pray against those seeking to introduce drugs into Pekanbaru.

"For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you. Give ear, O LORD, to my prayer; listen to my plea for grace. In the day of my trouble I call upon you, for you answer me" (Psalm 86:5-7, ESV).

Pray for the peoples of Pekanbaru to seek the steadfast love of God.

Pray for them to experience God's forgiveness.

Pray for Pekanbaru to be filled with people who regularly seek after God with all their hearts.