Monday, September 11, 2017

Mal Pekanbaru

Mal Pekanbaru is one of the older, more established shopping malls, but it is still very popular. Pekanbaru is on the end of supply lines, so it is sometimes difficult for retail businesses to keep items stocked.

Pray for all the retail businesses of Pekanbaru to prosper and provide work for lots of people in the city.

Pray for supply problems to be solved so that retail business can be more consistent in providing products.

Pray for truck drivers in Sumatra. Road conditions are often poor. Trucks are often overloaded. Drivers of other vehicles are often impatient with larger, slower trucks.

Many businesses in Pekanbaru don't have sufficient parking. Many accidents happen in the limited parking space available.

Pray for motorists to be patient and alert in parking areas.

Pray for parking lot attendants to be alert and diligent.

Pak Hujan, or, in English, Mr. Rain was waiting out in front of the mall. He is a taxi driver.

Pray for all the public transportation drivers in the city.

Pray for them to have sufficient business.

Pray for them to be alert and patient.

This is the backside of the mall where all the deliveries are received. This is the unseen side of the retail business. Mal Pekanbaru also has a non-public shadow side to its business. At night, it is one of the areas for prostitution.

Pray for people involved in prostitution to have opportunity and desire to get out of this work.

Pray for clients of prostitution to be convicted of sin in their lives so they stop supporting this awful business.

There are several hotels near this mall. Pekanbaru is not a tourist destination. Most hotels focus on business clients.

Pray for hotels to refuse to participate in the business of prostitution.

Pray for visiting business people to not seek the services of prostitutes.

Pray for hotels to prosper in Pekanbaru.

When asked how long she had worked near the mall, this woman proudly explained that she was not an employee, but that she owned her own business.

Pray for God to bless family businesses like this one. Several of the shops in the mall are also family owned and run.

Pray for more chain retail stores to open that will allow more job opportunities.

Masjid Nurul Iman, Pasar Mambo is one of many places of worship in Pekanbaru. The main worship services are attended by 600 to 700 people.

Pray for God to be powerfully present in this place of worship.

Pray for lives to be transformed to God's glory.

Pray for truth to be clearly taught in this place.

"O God, you know my folly; the wrongs I have done are not hidden from you. Let not those who hope in you be put to shame through me, O Lord GOD of hosts; let not those who seek you be brought to dishonor through me, O God of Israel" (Psalm 69:5-6, ESV).

Pray for people in Pekanbaru to experience deep conviction of sin and desire to live in a way that brings honor to God.