Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Jalan Harapan

This prayerwalk took place in a neighborhood road within the northern part of Pekanbaru. Jalan Harapan means Hope Road.

Pray for the residents of this neighborhood to experience hope based on the truth of God and His Word.

Pray for families to be strong and for the evil one to have no opportunity to divide or destroy in the households here.

Pray for community leaders to be diligent and principled as they serve.

Like many neighborhoods in Pekanbaru, there are several home businesses.

Pray for these businesses to flourish and to provide services that done with excellence and integrity.

Pray for God to provide for the financial needs of each family.

One of the residents of this neighborhood is in charge of managing the toll road project between Pekanbaru and Dumai.

Pray for this man to have wisdom to oversee such a large project.

Pray for this project to be completed in a timely manner with excellence.

Pray for the infrastructure of Riau Province and of Pekanbaru.

This kindergarten is one of many schools in Pekanbaru. Some of the schools are private, while others are supported by the government. This particular school has over 30 students.

Pray for teachers in Pekanbaru to be diligent in educating the children with excellence.

Pray for schools to have resources for books, computers, and other tools to help the students to get a good educational experience.

Pray for students to be diligent in their studies and make the most of their opportunties.

This is Jalan Harapan. Many children play on this road, but there is often busy traffic with cars and motorcycles.

Pray for safety for pedestrians and motorists on this road.

Pray for everyone to look out for everyone else.

Pray for motorists to slow down and be alert as they travel. Many motorists here are distracted by cell phones.

The most important part of a neighborhood is the people.

Pray for people to value each other.

Pray for people to look out for each other.

Pray for this community experience unity and peace.

Graffiti is a common social problem. Often times it is a form of expression of the youth.

Pray for the youth of this neighborhood to find positive ways to express their creativity and individuality.

Pray for youth to develop a desire to contribute to the community in a way that shows respect to other people.

"Blessed is the one you choose and bring near, to dwell in your courts! We shall be satisfied with the goodness of your house, the holiness of your temple!" Psalm 65:4, ESV.

Pray for the Lord to be pleased to bring the peoples of Pekanbaru near to dwell in His courts!