Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Jalan Riau

Jalan Riau is one of the main business streets in Pekanbaru. This is characteristic of the city itself. Pekanbaru is an industrial city - a business oriented city.

One of the business owners on this street commented that the greatest need in the city is for stability. Demonstrations and local unrest are not good for business.

Pray for stability in Pekanbaru.

Pray for those who feel wronged to have recourse to express their grievances without causing disruptions.

Pray for government leaders to have wisdom to manage the social and economic needs of the city.

The types of business along this road are quite diverse. Shopping malls, grocery stores, restaurants, automotive repair shops, construction supply stores, cell phone shops, and travel agencies are just a few examples.

Pray for business owners to be diligent, fair, and fruitful.

Pray for wisdom for businesses to adjust to the changing economic climate of the city.

As in most business sectors the world over, there is an active element of crime. Pick-pockets and purse snatching is not uncommon.

Pray that those who steal, would steal no longer.

Pray for those shopping on this street to be alert and not make themselves an easy target.

Pray for those working security jobs on this street to be alert and diligent in their work.

Many of the business on Jalan Riau are small, family owned businesses.

Pray for families who work together to run the store to have unity and joy in the process.

Pray for God to provide all the needs of these families through their labors.

Pray for family run businesses to prosper in Pekanbaru.

Many restaurants transform in the evenings, as larger numbers of people come to eat out for the evening meal. These chairs are being stored during the day, but will be brought out at night.

Pray for these restaurants to prosper and to be diligent to properly handle the food so no one gets sick.

Pray for these social times to strengthen families and bring joy in the city.

There are many moving parts in order for a car to run properly. The same is true in a city of over a million people.

Pray for all the moving parts in the social structure of Pekanbaru to work together so that the city will run smoothly.

Pray for wisdom to identify parts that are not working properly and devise plans to fix them. This is needed on all levels from the city government to the individual family.

"Bread gained by deceit is sweet to a man, but afterward his mouth will be full of gravel" (Proverbs 20:17, ESV).

Pray for honesty in Pekanbaru.

"Unequal weights are an abomination to the LORD, and false scales are not good" (Proverbs 20:23, ESV).

Pray for ethical business practices in Pekanbaru.