Monday, September 25, 2017

Jalan Nangka

Jalan Nangka is one of the four major roads in the downtown area of Pekanbaru. There are dozens of neighborhoods off this main street. The pictures for this prayerwalk are in one of those neighborhoods.

Pray for strong neighborhoods in Pekanbaru. In many ways Pekanbaru is more like a series of villages rather than one big city.

Pray for neighbors to take the time to know each other and help each other out. There is a proverb here that says, "Better a neighbor who is close, than family that is far away."

This neighborhood was predominately Chinese. The black and white ying and yang symbol is prominent in Buddhist thought. This symbol reminds us that there is both good and bad in everything. Even in our best goodness there is a dot of darkness. Even in our worst badness there is a dot of light.

Pray for the people of Pekanbaru to deal honestly with the balance of light and darkness that are in each and every heart.

The dog collars and leashes show that this home has dogs. Pet dogs are not common here because dogs are not popular in Muslim culture. Many people who own dogs, do so for security reasons to keep thieves out of their homes.

Pray that those who steal, would steal no longer.

Pray that those who need work, would be able to find honest work.

It is not uncommon to find broken glass and construction materials laying around. This highlights the lack of sanitation infrastructure in the city. This problem can sometimes result in children getting hurt as they sometimes play with the items they find on the street.

Pray for children to be given wisdom to not play with things that are dangerous.

Pray for home owners to do a better job at disposing dangerous garbage.

This office's purpose is to promote Buddhism in Pekanbaru.

Pray for Buddhists to seek and find truth and enlightenment that will help them live a good and productive life.

Pray for Buddhists to find the way of exiting from desire and sin to live with harmony and kindness with every other living thing.

At night, this neighborhood is a bit of a party scene. Unfortunately, prostitution is a common part of the party scene here.

Pray for those who seek out the company of prostitutes would feel the conviction of sin.

Pray for those working in prostitution to have better opportunities to lead a better life.

Pray for conviction of sexual sin in Pekanbaru leading to purity and faithfulness.

The high rise building with the crane on top is on Jalan Nangka. This field is often marshy, as the city of Pekanbaru was built on marshy land.

Pray for buildings in Pekanbaru to be built with skill on stable ground.

Pray for health and safety against mosquito borne illnesses.

"I went down to the nut orchard to look at the blossoms of the valley, to see whether the vines had budded, whether the pomegranates were in bloom" Song of Solomon 6:11, ESV.

Pray for many good things to grow and blossom in Pekanbaru.

Pray for marriages to be strong and stable.