Thursday, September 28, 2017

Jalan Imam Bonjol

This street has the feel of the main street of a small rural village.

Pray for neighborhoods in Pekanbaru to be closely knit together.

Pray for unity of heart and purpose.

Pray for families to have access to the resources that they need.

Pray for people here to work hard and be honest.

Pray for a spirit of generosity.

The sign above this little side street says that all who enter have a responsibility to smile.

Pray for the people of Pekanbaru to have joy in their hearts and a smile on their faces.

Pray that people will be set free from the vices and sin that cause misery and sadness.

Pray for everyone to have a hunger for God and for truth.

This portable cart is a mini-gas station. People  buy gas from the  main gas station and sell at a slight mark up. People use this as a convenience. Some stalls like this add things to increase their profit, but the result is to ruin the engines of the people who buy their gasoline.

Pray for honesty in business.

Pray for people here to look out for the interests of their neighbors and not just for themselves.

This is a community TV. It is available to anyone in the neighborhood who wants to watch it. This is something you more often see in small villages.

Pray for communities to work together and play together.

Pray for strong community relationships.

This flexible piping was being used in a road project. It is likely being used to expand internet services to this area.

Pray that men in Pekanbaru will avoid the temptations of pornography that come with internet access.

Pray for youth to avoid this pitfall and keep their hearts pure.

The spiral staircase reminds me of the common belief that good works can pay for sins. It's like climbing the stairs - step by step you rise above where you were.

Pray for people in Pekanbaru to realize that good works are not sufficient to be right with God.

Pray for true, humble repentance for sin and a seeking after the Lord.

"May he grant you your heart's desire and fulfill all your plans! May we shout for joy over your salvation, and in the name of our God set up our banners! May the LORD fulfill all your petitions! Now I know that the LORD saves his anointed; he will answer him from his holy heaven with the saving might of his right hand. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God" (Psalm 20:4-7, ESV). 

Pray for the people of Pekanbaru to trust in nothing other than the name of the LORD.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

RTH Tunjuk Ajar Integritas

This park is clean and well laid out. It is a wonderful place for families to come, exercise, and play together.

Pray for strong families in Pekanbaru.

Pray for people to make time to invest in relationships with their spouses and children.

Pray for this park to be a place that is positive and strengthening to families.

Pray that criminal elements will not ruin this family spot.

These riding toys are available for rent at the park.

Pray for children to laugh, grow, play, and make friends at this park.

Pray for special days to be celebrated.

Pray for parents to have wisdom to guide their children to become mature, well adjusted adults.

The public announcement sign asks people to stop physical and sexual abuse of children.

Pray that those in abusive situations will find places of safety.

Pray for those who are abusing their spouse or children to repent and seek help.

Pray for counselors, spiritual leaders, and family members to have wisdom to provide guidance to those who need help.

This outdoor theater is a perfect place for concerts and performances.

Pray for the development of the arts in Pekanbaru.

Pray for this facility to bring the community together and develop a sense of unity and mutual commitment to one another.

Pray for city officials to have wisdom to make the most of this park to build community.

These young men were looking for work. They are not able to go directly to High School and then college without earning money first.

Pray for the development of work programs for youth wanting to gain educational opportunities.

Pray for youth to find good opportunities to work and not to fall in with criminal enterprises.

There are police posts throughout the city. One is across the street from the park.

Pray for wisdom and diligence for police officers as they go about their duties.

Pray for protection for police officers as they confront people who are breaking laws.

Pray for the rehabilitation of those who commit crimes.

Sanitation workers are unsung heroes of every city. While Pekanbaru has many challenges in this area, people, like these women, are working hard to keep the city clean.

Pray for sanitation workers in Pekanbaru.

Pray for their safety on the roads as they work.

Pray against injuries as they clean up materials that are often sharp and dirty.

One of the park signs ask that people not pick the flowers.

Pray for people to value and care for public spaces so that they stay nice for everyone's enjoyment.

Pray against people who would use spaces like parks to sell drugs.

Pray against those seeking to introduce drugs into Pekanbaru.

"For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you. Give ear, O LORD, to my prayer; listen to my plea for grace. In the day of my trouble I call upon you, for you answer me" (Psalm 86:5-7, ESV).

Pray for the peoples of Pekanbaru to seek the steadfast love of God.

Pray for them to experience God's forgiveness.

Pray for Pekanbaru to be filled with people who regularly seek after God with all their hearts.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Jalan Ahmad Yani

This road runs through the heart of Pekanbaru. This particular area is dominated by Minangkabau or Padang business owners.

Pray for the Padang community in Pekanbaru to prosper spiritually as well as financially.

Pray for unity in Pekanbaru for all the people groups to live in harmony with one another.

Pray for the government of Pekanbaru as they seek to maintain and improve the downtown area.

This is a meeting area that is traditional Riau Malay. While the Riau Malay are one of the largest ethnic groups in the Province, they are not as numerous in the city.

Pray for the Riau Malay to prosper spiritually and financially.

Pray for strong families in Riau Province.

Motorcycles are the main mode of transportation for the average person in Pekanbaru. Cars are too expensive.

Pray for motorcyclists to wear helmets and to obey the traffic rules.

Pray for people to not overload their vehicles. It is common to see motorcycles carrying more than you'd think is possible considering the laws of physics.

This truck is delivering bottled water to a convenience store. Almost all people in Pekanbaru buy bottled water, because the quality of water here is poor.

Pray for people to filter their thoughts and activities, just as they filter their water.

Pray for people to be pure before God and before one another.

Many motorists get impatient at traffic lights and run red lights. This usually works out as motorists are cautious when going through an intersection because of people running the light.

Pray for people to follow the rules of the road for the safety of everyone.

Pray for medical professionals to have skill as they patch people up after traffic accidents.

This store does metal work. Such stores are proud of the work they do to provide Mosques with minarets.

Pray that these symbols of God will remind people to seek after God in both deed and truth.

Pray for religious teachers and leaders to be shining examples of godly living.

The electrical wiring in Pekanbaru is often patchwork. There don't seem to be any codes of electrical safety.

Pray for families in Pekanbaru to be protected from electrical accidents and fires.

Pray for fire fighters in Pekanbaru to be skillful, brave, and to be protected from harm as they serve the community in hazardous circumstances.

This house is right off a main street. It likely preexisted the busy road. This is another example of Pekanbaru being more of a series of villages, rather than being an urban area.

Pray for people balancing a rural culture with a growing urban setting. The values of rural versus urban culture are often in conflict.

"You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might" (Deuteronomy 6:5, ESV).

Pray for the peoples of Pekanbaru to be given a deep desire to obey this scripture verse.

Pray for spiritual transformation in Pekanbaru.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Jalan Nangka

Jalan Nangka is one of the four major roads in the downtown area of Pekanbaru. There are dozens of neighborhoods off this main street. The pictures for this prayerwalk are in one of those neighborhoods.

Pray for strong neighborhoods in Pekanbaru. In many ways Pekanbaru is more like a series of villages rather than one big city.

Pray for neighbors to take the time to know each other and help each other out. There is a proverb here that says, "Better a neighbor who is close, than family that is far away."

This neighborhood was predominately Chinese. The black and white ying and yang symbol is prominent in Buddhist thought. This symbol reminds us that there is both good and bad in everything. Even in our best goodness there is a dot of darkness. Even in our worst badness there is a dot of light.

Pray for the people of Pekanbaru to deal honestly with the balance of light and darkness that are in each and every heart.

The dog collars and leashes show that this home has dogs. Pet dogs are not common here because dogs are not popular in Muslim culture. Many people who own dogs, do so for security reasons to keep thieves out of their homes.

Pray that those who steal, would steal no longer.

Pray that those who need work, would be able to find honest work.

It is not uncommon to find broken glass and construction materials laying around. This highlights the lack of sanitation infrastructure in the city. This problem can sometimes result in children getting hurt as they sometimes play with the items they find on the street.

Pray for children to be given wisdom to not play with things that are dangerous.

Pray for home owners to do a better job at disposing dangerous garbage.

This office's purpose is to promote Buddhism in Pekanbaru.

Pray for Buddhists to seek and find truth and enlightenment that will help them live a good and productive life.

Pray for Buddhists to find the way of exiting from desire and sin to live with harmony and kindness with every other living thing.

At night, this neighborhood is a bit of a party scene. Unfortunately, prostitution is a common part of the party scene here.

Pray for those who seek out the company of prostitutes would feel the conviction of sin.

Pray for those working in prostitution to have better opportunities to lead a better life.

Pray for conviction of sexual sin in Pekanbaru leading to purity and faithfulness.

The high rise building with the crane on top is on Jalan Nangka. This field is often marshy, as the city of Pekanbaru was built on marshy land.

Pray for buildings in Pekanbaru to be built with skill on stable ground.

Pray for health and safety against mosquito borne illnesses.

"I went down to the nut orchard to look at the blossoms of the valley, to see whether the vines had budded, whether the pomegranates were in bloom" Song of Solomon 6:11, ESV.

Pray for many good things to grow and blossom in Pekanbaru.

Pray for marriages to be strong and stable.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Catholic Churches in Pekanbaru

This is St. Paul's Catholic Church in Pekanbaru.

Pray for the truth to be taught and preached in these churches.

Pray for life transformation to take place among the people of Pekanbaru.

Pray for the evil one to be bound in Pekanbaru so that deception will become plain to the people here.

This is St. Mary's Catholic Church.

Pray for peaceful coexistence between people of different faiths in Pekanbaru.

Pray for interfaith sharing to be open and respectful.

Pray for extremist groups to be rejected by the general population of Pekanbaru.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Jalan Darmabakti

This road feeds off a major road and leads into several residential areas.

Pray for peace and blessings for the families living in this area.

There is a saying here that a neighbor who is close is better than a family member that is far away.

Pray for strong relationships between neighbors. If there are tensions, pray for a spirit of forgiveness.

Pray for community leaders to have wisdom and to serve with diligence.

Many of the roads in Pekanbaru were built for motorcycles, not for cars or trucks.

Pray for infrastructure improvements, including road repairs and road widening.

Pray for patience on the roads as all kinds of vehicles are trying to share space with grace.

These brooms and dust pans on the side of the road are used to clean garbage that is cast off by passing motorists.

Pray for sanitation efforts in Pekanbaru. Dealing with garbage is another infrastructure problem.

Just as garbage collects on the sides of the roads, so sin collects in the hearts of people.

Pray for God to convict of sin and for people to respond with true repentance.

This air compressor fills up tires when they get low. These shops can fix tire punctures, which is good because it's not unusual to pick up a nail or screw in the road. Some joke that the owners of these businesses scatter the nails and screws to bring in more business!

Pray for all business owners to be honest and helpful.

Just as tires don't do well when they are deflated, people sometimes feel sad and depressed.

Pray for the Lord to be close to those who are feeling down.

This location has single rooms for rent. Many people come from rural locations to seek better employment. They will often stay in a place like this while they attend school or search for work.

Pray for doors of opportunity for those coming to Pekanbaru looking to start a new life.

Pray for new comers to find networks of friends and a community of faith to help them on their journey.

Pray that these individuals will not be taken advantage of in the big city.

This school offers classes in English. Many people in Pekanbaru want to improve their English skills in order to get better jobs. While all students in Indonesia study English, the teachers often don't know proper annunciation of the words. This results in people who know how to read English, but not how to speak it.

Pray for more opportunities for people looking to gain marketable skills, like learning to speak English.

The sign in this picture is an advertisement for cigarettes. The caption on the bottom has a man smoking with skulls in the background. The text says, "Smoking will kill you." Despite these public service warnings many men see smoking as macho. Many low income men spend money on cigarettes that they cannot afford.

Pray for men in Pekanbaru to understand that smoking does not make you macho.

Pray for low income families to have the opportunities to learn how to better handle money and improve their situation.

Indonesians have proven that just about anything tastes better when it is deep-fried. The owner of this stall had moved to Pekanbaru from Eastern Java a little over a year ago.

Pray for the people of Pekanbaru to find joy and sweet satisfaction in the small pleasures of life.

Pray for moderation in all things. Too much of a good thing can become unhealthy.

This row of shop houses was in one of the residential areas. Most of these places are empty. Pekanbaru is filled with empty shop houses, but more are still being built.

Pray for people in Pekanbaru to have wisdom to know how to invest their money in more fruitful ways.

Pray for economic development so that more businesses open up in all the currently empty shop houses.

"The LORD upholds all who are falling and raises up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food in due season. You open your hand; you satisfy the desire of every living thing" (Psalm 145:14-16, ESV).

Pray for the people of Pekanbaru to understand that God is the provider of all good things.

Pray for the people of Pekanbaru to find rest in the Lord.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Mal Pekanbaru

Mal Pekanbaru is one of the older, more established shopping malls, but it is still very popular. Pekanbaru is on the end of supply lines, so it is sometimes difficult for retail businesses to keep items stocked.

Pray for all the retail businesses of Pekanbaru to prosper and provide work for lots of people in the city.

Pray for supply problems to be solved so that retail business can be more consistent in providing products.

Pray for truck drivers in Sumatra. Road conditions are often poor. Trucks are often overloaded. Drivers of other vehicles are often impatient with larger, slower trucks.

Many businesses in Pekanbaru don't have sufficient parking. Many accidents happen in the limited parking space available.

Pray for motorists to be patient and alert in parking areas.

Pray for parking lot attendants to be alert and diligent.

Pak Hujan, or, in English, Mr. Rain was waiting out in front of the mall. He is a taxi driver.

Pray for all the public transportation drivers in the city.

Pray for them to have sufficient business.

Pray for them to be alert and patient.

This is the backside of the mall where all the deliveries are received. This is the unseen side of the retail business. Mal Pekanbaru also has a non-public shadow side to its business. At night, it is one of the areas for prostitution.

Pray for people involved in prostitution to have opportunity and desire to get out of this work.

Pray for clients of prostitution to be convicted of sin in their lives so they stop supporting this awful business.

There are several hotels near this mall. Pekanbaru is not a tourist destination. Most hotels focus on business clients.

Pray for hotels to refuse to participate in the business of prostitution.

Pray for visiting business people to not seek the services of prostitutes.

Pray for hotels to prosper in Pekanbaru.

When asked how long she had worked near the mall, this woman proudly explained that she was not an employee, but that she owned her own business.

Pray for God to bless family businesses like this one. Several of the shops in the mall are also family owned and run.

Pray for more chain retail stores to open that will allow more job opportunities.

Masjid Nurul Iman, Pasar Mambo is one of many places of worship in Pekanbaru. The main worship services are attended by 600 to 700 people.

Pray for God to be powerfully present in this place of worship.

Pray for lives to be transformed to God's glory.

Pray for truth to be clearly taught in this place.

"O God, you know my folly; the wrongs I have done are not hidden from you. Let not those who hope in you be put to shame through me, O Lord GOD of hosts; let not those who seek you be brought to dishonor through me, O God of Israel" (Psalm 69:5-6, ESV).

Pray for people in Pekanbaru to experience deep conviction of sin and desire to live in a way that brings honor to God.