Monday, October 30, 2017


Pekanbaru is an industrial town. There are many types of factories in the city and in the outlying areas. Many of the jobs in Pekanbaru are manufacturing jobs.

Pray for safety for workers in the operation of factories here in Pekanbaru.

Pray for business owners to have wisdom and integrity to balance the need for profit and to look out for the needs of the families who work for them.

This factory processes raw rubber. Rubber trees are one of the main crops in Riau Province.

Pray for farmers and companies that are growing rubber in Riau to do so with integrity and ingenuity.

Pray for those working on the plantations to be able to meet the physical needs of their families.

The Siak River is one of the major avenues for shipping raw products to the factories where they are processed. This boat carries raw rubber to the factory from the plantations.

Pray for those working on the river transporting goods to be safe and to earn enough money to meet the needs of their families.

Pray against criminal activity on the Siak River.

Many times workers live near the factories where they work, because they cannot afford transportation to and from the factory.

Pray for healthy communities to grow around factories.

Pray for safety from environmental dangers of living near to a factory and from working in a factory.

Indonesian people are enterprising. Many people have several small business revenue streams. This motorcycle with a sidecar called a becak is advertised as being for rent.

Pray for those who are honest and hardworking to experience the rewards of their labors.

Pray for example of corruption being punished so that people will avoid laziness, greed, and dishonesty.

The white building to the right is a furniture factory. Ten workers are employed by this facility, and it is currently being renovated.

Pray for factories to renovate regularly to keep equipment and structures safe.

Pray for the process of renovation to be smooth and to have a minimum of delay so that workers will continue to have work.

"Seek the LORD and live, lest he break out like fire in the house of Joseph, and it devour, with none to quench it for Bethel, O you who turn justice to wormwood and cast down righteousness to the earth!" (Amos 5:6-7, ESV).

Pray for all the people of Pekanbaru to seek the Lord.

Pray for them to pursue righteousness and justice as they serve the Lord.