Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Jalan Simbilang

This area will be developing and growing over the next few years as a new bridge is being built to connect Jalan Sudirman with Rumbai.

Pray for this community as they go through the growing pains of additional traffic and construction as new businesses are built.

Pray for the bridge project to go smoothly and for those working on the project to be safe from injury.

Pray for the administration of funds for this project to be administered with honesty and integrity.

Pray for the peoples of Pekanbaru to hear the call of God and respond with faith and repentance.

Pray for openness between peoples of different faiths so that sharing can happen without offense or anger.

Pray for a hunger to know God and to follow the truth that He has revealed.

This is a fishing pond. Many neighborhood men like to gather here to fish and chat.

Pray for strong relationships between neighbors.

Pray for understanding and unity within neighborhoods in Rumbai.

Pray for a decline in criminal activity in Pekanbaru.

These trays are used to transport eggs to market or to other retail points. It is not uncommon in neighborhoods to see people with chickens and ducks being raised for eggs and meat.

Pray for families still trying to transition from a rural lifestyle to an urban reality. In many places small livestock are being banned.

Pray for economic opportunities to grow in Pekanbaru.

Many older citizens use bicycles to travel from place to place. This can sometimes cause safety issues on the roads.

Pray for safety for older people using bicycles on the roads of Rumbai.

Pray for safety for all the people of Pekanbaru as they share the roads of the city.

A large road leading to the new bridge is already in place. It seems odd to see a wide road like this with no traffic on it in the middle of the day.

Pray for the completion of this construction project.

Pray for wise development of this area.

These are good examples of traditional Riau Malay homes, raised on stilts, next to a river.

Pray for the Riau Malay to be able to maintain their sense of culture and community in the midst of a rapidly changing environment.

Pray for cultural understanding between the different ethnic groups that live in Pekanbaru.

"Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin!" (Psalm 51:1-2, ESV).

Pray people in Pekanbaru to turn from sin to God and allow Him to wash them clean.