Monday, October 16, 2017

Jalan Sudirman Part 3

Jalan Sudirman is a busy street full of shop houses and street vendors. There is almost always a fair amount of traffic.

Pray for pickpockets and other criminals to be convicted of sin and to repent.

Pray for business owners to see God's provision in their work.

You'd think with all the people being crowded that you'd see tempers boil-over. While it is common to see people being impatient in traffic, it is not common to see people getting mad at each other on the street. Part of this is because of the influence of Javanese and Malay culture.

Pray for harmony between all the people groups in Pekanbaru.

The distinctive roofs on these shop-houses come from Malay culture.

Pray for the laid back Malay people to be more successful in competing with Minang and Javanese people for work and education opportunities.

In Muslim culture it is considered modest and polite for a woman to wear head covering.

Pray for sensitivity between different cultures and the norms of those cultures.

Pray for men and women to continue to value modesty and politeness in Pekanbaru.

While there is no official recycling program in Pekanbaru, there are people who go through the garbage looking for things they can salvage and sell.

Pray for sanitation and recycling efforts in Pekanbaru to be successful.

Pray that the burning and smoke of past times to be avoided in the future.

In the midst of a crowd, it is easy to become isolated. People here are busy, and don't have a lot of time to sit and chat.

Pray for those who are feeling isolated in the city to find meaningful community.

Pray for people to be willing to befriend outsiders who come to the city looking for a better life.

This is one of the few pedestrian overpasses in the city. Several of the steps on this overpass are nearly rusted out. Maintaining infrastructure is a challenge in Pekanbaru.

Pray for city officials to have wisdom to maintain roads, bridges, flyovers, and pedestrian bridges in Pekanbaru.

"Be not rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be hasty to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth. Therefore let your words be few. For a dream comes with much business, and a fool's voice with many words. When you vow a vow to God, do not delay paying it, for he has no pleasure in fools. Pay what you vow" (Ecclesiastes 5:2-4, ESV).

Pray for the people of Pekanbaru to be faithful to their promises before God.