Friday, October 6, 2017

Jalan Sekolah

Jalan Sekolah translates as School Street. This makes sense as there are schools and the government office for education on this street.

Pray for teachers in Pekanbaru to do their work with excellence.

Pray for students to be diligent in their studies and to make the most of their educational opportunities.

Pray for administrators to have wisdom in managing funds to keep the schools running.

This is the Dinas Pendidikan or the Government Education Office.

Pray for the improvement of government schools in Riau Province.

Pray for government officials to have wisdom to guide programs and initiatives that will help the schools to progress.

With all these crossed electrical wires, it is a good reminder about miscommunication. It is so easy to get your wires crossed when communicating with people.

Pray for clear and healthy communication between spouses, parents with children, siblings, classmates, workers, and neighbors.

This yellow van is part of the public transportation system here in Pekanbaru. People are always in a hurry to get from one place to another.

Pray that people will not be so busy that they miss the important things in life such as strong relationships with family and with God.

Pray that people will avoid running over others in their rush to get to where they want to go.

Indonesians love brightly colored clothes. Pajamas like these are not just for sleep. People often where them out to the market in the early morning or in the early evening.

Pray for people in Pekanbaru to have a positive, bright, and cheery outlook on life.

Pray for people here to put down their worries and enjoy sweet sleep at night.

This mannequin in a store window is a reminder of all the barriers that people put up to separate themselves from others. Religion, culture, ethnicity, and socioeconomic level are just a few of those barriers.

Pray for the Lord to bring these barriers down so that people in Pekanbaru are more willing to relate to one another with openness and kindness.

Everyone has habits and behaviors that are destructive. People need power to stop the things in their lives that are destroying them.

Pray for God to give people in Pekanbaru power to stop doing the same old things that are keeping them from realizing their full potential.

Pray against drugs, pornography, gambling, promiscuity, stealing, corruption, hatred, and lying.

These nets are used for fishing. Many people like to spend time by the river with a line in the water. Good character is a like a big fish, it's worth catching.

Pray for the people in Pekanbaru to have solid character that is worth catching.

Pray for character flaws to be released, just like little fish that are too small to do any good.

"And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment" (Hebrews 9:27, ESV). 

Pray for the people of Pekanbaru to live in light of God's coming judgment.

Pray for a spiritual awakening in Riau Province.