Monday, January 15, 2018

Jalan Khadijah Ali

This narrow road is what would be called a "jalan tikus" which is literally translated as a "mouse street." It is a cut through to avoid a busy market intersection.

Pray for all the communities in Pekanbaru that are on "cut-through" streets with heavy traffic like this one.

Pray for city planners as Pekanbaru is in the midst of several infrastructure improvement projects.

The black boards with the colorful writing are called papan bunga which translates as flower boards. They are used to mark important life events - normally for funerals and weddings.

Pray for families in Pekanbaru as they celebrate joyful events and as they mourn sorrowful events.

Pray that in the midst of all of life's circumstances that the people here will come to know and trust God.

This man was selling an iced coconut drink on the side of the road. No matter how narrow a road is, if there is traffic, there will be somebody selling something.

Pray for small business owners like this man.

Pray for them to do well enough to meet the needs of their families.

Pray for them to make room in their lives to worship and honor God.

It is amazing to see how close buildings are built to the edge of the road. This door literally opens out into traffic!

Pray for better zoning laws to create streets that are safer for both motorists and pedestrians.

You can see an old political poster on the wall.

Pray for political leaders in Pekanbaru to be dedicated and honest.

The normal family vehicle in Pekanbaru is a motorcycle. The people here are more accustomed to being on two wheels than four. This picture seems to be a family portrait of two-wheeled transportation!

Pray for strong families in Pekanbaru.

Pray for parents to have wisdom to raise God-fearing children.

The power-lines in front of the Mosque remind us that God is the true power-source for life.

Pray for people to faithfully plug into a place of worship and for them to find a meaningful, life-changing relationship with the Lord.

Pray for the people of Pekanbaru to learn that there is no substitute for God.

A row of shop houses like these are a common sight in the downtown area of Pekanbaru.

Pray that crime, drug trafficking, and human trafficking will decline in Pekanbaru because of God transforming lives to His glory.

Pray that domestic violence will also decline as people here seek after God.

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden in light."(Matthew 11:28-30, ESV).

Pray for the people of Pekanbaru to find rest for their souls.