Monday, February 19, 2018

Jalan Bukit Barisan

Bukit Barisan is an area of Pekanbaru off of Jalan Sudirman near the airport. This is a fast growing area, with lots of new housing developments.

Pray for new housing developments to quickly become caring communities.

Pray for young families to grow together both physically and spiritually.

This mosque is being renovated.

Pray for spiritual renovation and renewal among the people of the Bukit Barisan area.

Pray for those working on construction projects to be safe and to work with excellence.

Pray that short cuts are not taken in all the building projects in the area.

This is one of the government run high schools in the area.

Pray for students to be diligent in their studies.

Pray for teachers to have creativity and insight to invest in their students.

Pray for sufficient resources to conduct the work of the schools in this area.

This is a barber shop. Many times fathers will take their sons to get their hair cut.

Pray for the fathers in Bukit Barisan to invest time and energy into the lives of their children.

Pray for men to take their responsibility as the spiritual head of the household seriously.

This is a kaki lima. Small mobil businesses like this one are common in Indonesia.

Pray for energy, excellence, and fruitfulness for those starting up businesses in Pekanbaru.

Pray for wisdom for business owners to manage inventory and income in a way that will allow the business to flourish.

This building has an English Center. Learning English is one of the ways that people here can get better jobs.

Pray for the people of Pekanbaru to take every opportunity to better their skill set and improve their lives.

Pray for resources to be available to help promising students from low income families to succeed.

"Whoever keeps the commandment keeps his life; he who despises his ways will die" (Proverbs 19:16, ESV). 

Pray for the people of Pekanbaru to understand the connection between obedience to God and a good life.

Pray for spiritual leaders in Pekanbaru to give an example of godliness and obedience.